Behavior is constantly being revised, updated with every new experience. This makes every interaction an opportunity to teach and learn with two-way observation/communication (rather than a monologue).
In positive reinforcement training, the individual animal does what is already in their repertoire of natural behaviors; we select a behavior and shape the timing and topography using their natural options to make it worthwhile for the individual to participate.
The mission of Harmony Animal Behavior is to improve the quality of relationships between humans and other animal species through the knowledge, skill, and artful practice of the science of learning and behavior.
“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used
when we created them.”
— Albert Einstein
What I do is to teach you how to work with your own animal. This develops YOUR SKILLS, KNOWLEDGE AND RELATIONSHIP to work through any challenge and to avoid new problems. My goal is to expand your and your animal’s skills and opportunities for the best possible quality of life together.
Included will be specific information before your session to help you be successful in your session. At your session, I will demonstrate and explain to you HOW to train your animal and WHY this works. You and I will work with your animal in your environment and I will leave you with a specific training plan for you and your individual animal. Like any skill - especially between two intelligent and sentient beings - there is a learning curve. You will become more proficient with faithful practice. I am available to support your training success by phone/text/email. We must communicate in a timely and clear manner. You may schedule additional sessions as needed.
If you would like me to train your animal, it will take several sessions and, as the animal lives with you, you will need to be involved. Please contact me to discuss your situation.
Teaching Henry to load and transport safely in a trailer.
In nature, animals survive by constantly learning from the consequences of their actions.
In your home, your animal is continually updating their behavior from your reactions and interactions with them.
Realize the power you have to influence your animal’s behavior.
You get what you reinforce – intentionally or unintentionally!
Repetition builds confidence… we are always teaching the animals around us.
Be aware and thoughtful, clear and consistent and patient.
Always teach with a positive intention – not punitive, negative, or harsh.
Enrich your animal’s life with positive interaction.
Build a positive history with every individual.
Good behavior begins with two-way respect and communication – and develops into trust.
I believe in empowering an animal by giving them a choice to behave in a way that is mutually beneficial to both of us.
Observe the individual and their unique and specific behaviors, reactions, tastes. Every animal is a study of one.
Animals are learners! In the wild, if an animal does not learn, that individual will not survive.
Animals behave to have an effect on their environment.
Every environment and each situation creates consequences that the individual animal chooses to repeat, avoid, or modify.
Set up your animal to succeed.
Give animals the opportunity to earn a consequence that individual desires! Let the animal have the power to make choices in their life!
Control the consequences and the environment – not the animal!!!
“The way a behaviour is carried out is more important than the behaviour itself.”
— Kay Laurence
Positive reinforcement training works – with animals of every species!
Training dental health behaviors with previously wild Hawaiian Monk Seals at the Waikiki Aquarium.
Jeffy quickly gave up being shy as he learned to High Five with Positive Reinforcement.
Create an environment that supports success.
Spend quality time with the individual.
Get to know the likes and dislikes, habits, and traits of the individual.
Observe and respect the animal’s body language /communication.
Be aware of what you are you are communicating through your own body movement, energy, and timing.
Always use the most positive, least intrusive solution.
Allow your animal to make decisions.
Progress at the pace set by the animal.
Be consistent.
Be fair.
Be honest.
Be patient.
ALL animals – including humans – are continually updating information and adjusting their behavior.
WE must observe, think and choose - learn to behave CONSCIOUSLY!
Offer clear choices with consistency and patience - ALL behavior is flexible.
Cooperation and mutually beneficial behavior – at home, with friends and family, in public, at the veterinarian and the groomer – is achievable.
Harmony Animal Behavior will help you and your animal to enjoy a healthier and happier life.